Client Communications Workshop

Great communication fosters stronger relationships within the team and with clients.

Pentesting is a field where simple misunderstandings can quickly become bigger issues.

Client Communications

Questions Clients Ask

Common scenarios before, during and after a pen test

Clients vary from the very knowledgeable to the very inexperienced. Offering facts and opinions (and knowing the difference) is a key skill.

Things Clients Hate

And how to avoid them

Many behaviours common to pentesting actually cause frustration with clients. These include the perception of a lack of empathy, and a lack of appreciation of the client’s business objectives.

Handling Difficult Situations

Anticipating and addressing client concerns

How to foresee potential areas of concern based on penetration test activity or findings and preemptively address them. Strategies for clarifying misunderstandings promptly and maintaining professionalism under stress.

De-escalating Tensions

Techniques for calming tense situations and turning conflict into collaborative opportunities.

Communication Essentials

Verbal and Non-Verbal

Best practices for engaging in person, over the phone, or via digital platforms. Translating technical terms into accessible language that aids comprehension without oversimplifying.

Practical Exercise

Using AI-generated email scenarios from clients ranging from the delighted to the deeply disappointed, to practice and develop the above skills.